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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Baby Sydney

This post of my cousin's sweet baby is brought to you by my favorite black and white filter. :) I don't photograph newborns too often, but she was a precious exception.



Monday, August 26, 2019

Teacher life!

As much fun as it would be to be a full-time photographer, I get to spend my August - May also working with a lovely group of first graders at Lincoln Academy. It is so fun to integrate my photography into the classroom and to show the parents what we are learning and doing.
I spent this summer redoing my classroom and making it a more calming place to be. The theme ideas came from Ashley McKenzie's watercolor classroom. Enjoy a look around!

Before the kids can even enter the room in the mornings, they get to pick a way to greet me by tapping one of these options (hug, handshake, high five, or fist bump). It definite sets the tone for a positive start of the day! 

Let's start off the "tour" with a photo in action on the first day... and don't you just love this tumblr from Orchid Vinyl Designs?? It matches what I was attempting to design my classroom with a rainbow ombre theme. :) 

When you first walk in, this is on your left. I'm so proud of this library... although my husband says I'm crazy for having so many books. I was so blessed to have had the majority donated and to only actually purchase a very few!

Book bins... the best for independent reading time!!

The desk fairy visits clean desks and makes this teacher very happy. :)

My hubby designed and built this great little bench for my kiddos to sit on. It's quite beautiful, and I should've taken this photo from a better angle so you could have enjoyed all the craftsmanship of it! My kids love it too, of course. I've seen three of them crammed on there at one time. 

Another reading area project from my husband are these precious folding stools! I had some that were ages old and falling apart, and of course my hubby was able to redesign and build me some new ones. So grateful for his talents!! ;) 

Continuing on in the room, to your right is my wall of anchor charts and calendar. I love how all the "white space" around the charts helps the kids identify and focus on what we're learning! Of course, what I have hanging now is all for the first week of school. 

The quiet mouse is one of my favorite things to use during our circle time! Only the person holding the mouse can talk -- everyone else has to be quiet. It is a great visual reminder to listen for those who cannot seem to remember that on their own. ;)

Oh! I forgot to mention my bathroom and counselor passes, as well as my school key holder. These little magnetic clouds by my door are such gems -- so cute and practical! 

 This part of the room is always the hardest to configure on the walls to be least distracting, but I did what I could. Weekly objectives are written on the frames to the left, student work is hung under the board, and my behavior management systems are to the right. I use both a clip chart system and class dojo so students and parents can be aware of their behavior each day. The blurt chart may seem slightly crazy to document when students shout out, but it really helps the students learn how to be respectful when other people are talking or learning -- a sanity-saver after a few months in!! 

 My small group table is right next to our whole group area. I don't have a teacher desk (it always caught too much clutter for me) so this is my home base for teaching. Can you guess who made the table? ;) Yep, my handy hubby. Complete with whiteboard paint and a cute little caddy that makes small groups go smoother without scrambling for supplies! 

Coffee station... y'all, I didn't realize how much that afternoon cup of coffee can motivate you to be nice until I got this baby keurig! ;) 

These organizer drawers are the main reason I'm able to keep on top of everything as a teacher. It is so nice to be able to organize my weekly materials as well as all of those papers what otherwise would be forming mountainous piles... Also, before I leave each day, I set out all of the next day supplies on the counter (pictured below). Sick days are WAY less stressful when all you don't have to get someone to make copies for you or print sub plans for the day when it's 5am and you feel terrible! 

The next area of my room is my writing station and word work area as well as my shelves that store almost all of my things. I sewed the curtains last year and they're hanging in a way that the kids can easily move them aside, but there is not a chance of them falling down. :) 

Hiding behind the curtains are so many MATCHING boxes that store math supplies, reading supplies, and basically anything that the kids can use. I may have a box problem...

Will I be able to keep this snake plant alive this year? Only time will tell... 

And that's it! That's my darling classroom, ready for kiddos to learn and explore and make lots of memories in!